Adventurous story inside a dialogue-based game. 

Your ship has wrecked and you ended up on an island, but is that really it?

Team: Groove Street


1. Schipschi Daniil

2. Iordan Liviu

3. Ungureanu Vlad

4. Tapu Pavel

5. Copta Adrian


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The protagonist, had spent years exploring the world as an adventurous traveler and wilderness guide. However, seeking a break from the rigors of his adventurous lifestyle, He decided to embark on a much-needed vacation aboard the luxurious cruise ship "Ocean Serenity."

As the cruise set sail, The protagonist found himself surrounded by a diverse group of passengers, each with their own stories and backgrounds. Among them was Jack, a retired military medic seeking tranquility in his golden years, David, The protagonist’s longtime friend and engineering enthusiast who joined the cruise for a change of scenery, and Mia,a free-spirited adventurer who has traveled the world and has an adventurous personality. Little did they know, their journey would take an unexpected turn.

One fateful evening, while enjoying the amenities of the cruise ship, a sudden fire broke out in the engine room, quickly spreading throughout the vessel. Panic ensued as passengers scrambled to evacuate, but chaos and confusion hindered their efforts. In the midst of the chaos, Alex, Jack, Mia, and David found themselves separated from the main group, forced to navigate the treacherous corridors of the sinking ship in search of safety.

With time running out and the ship rapidly filling with smoke and water, The protagonist made a split-second decision to lead his companions to the nearest lifeboat, determined to escape the sinking vessel and ensure their survival. Amidst the chaos and danger, they managed to reach the lifeboat just in time, narrowly escaping the clutches of the sinking ship as it disappeared beneath the waves.

However, as they clung to the lifeboat amidst the turbulent waters, they realized a harsh truth: there was only room for one more person on the safety boat. With their hearts heavy with the weight of their predicament, Alex faced an agonizing decision. Unable to save all of his friends, he had to choose who to bring with him to safety.

In a moment of desperation and necessity, Alex made his choice, ushering one of his companions onto the lifeboat while the other two were left behind, their fate uncertain as they drifted away into the vast expanse of the ocean. Despite their best efforts to stay together, circumstances beyond their control forced them to part ways, their paths diverging as they struggled to survive amidst the unforgiving elements.

As the duo drifted at sea in the lifeboat, battered and exhausted from their ordeal, they spotted a distant island on the horizon. With no other options available to them, they set course for the island, hoping to find refuge and a means of survival amidst the untamed wilderness.

And so, their journey on the mysterious island began, as The protagonist, and his companion faced the challenges of survival, forged bonds of friendship and camaraderie, and unraveled the mysteries lurking within the island's dense jungles and forbidding landscapes. Little did they know, their adventure was just beginning, and the true test of their courage and resilience lay ahead as they navigated the dangers of the island and sought a way to escape its clutches.


Riley's Offer:

Journal Entry: "Today, Riley decided to pay us a visit, claiming to have revolutionary inventions for trade. His demeanor was enthusiastic, but something about him seemed off. We should consider his offer carefully."

Accept Trade: "We decided to take a chance and accept Riley's offer, despite our reservations. It's a risky move, but his inventions might prove useful in our survival efforts, also, he seemed like a really nice guy."

Decline Trade: "After weighing the risks, we chose to decline Riley's offer. His inventions seemed too risky, and we couldn't afford to take chances with our limited resources."

Captain's Request:

Journal Entry: "Captain Blackbeard approached our shelter today with a proposition. His intentions were unclear, but we must tread carefully with someone as unpredictable as him."

Accept Trade: "We reluctantly agreed to Captain Blackbeard's request, knowing that refusing could lead to conflict. It's a tough decision, but we must prioritize peace and stability."

Decline Trade: "After careful consideration, we decided to decline Captain Blackbeard's request. His motives were dubious, and we couldn't risk compromising our principles."

Random Survivor's Offer:

Journal Entry: "A mysterious survivor from another group appeared at our doorstep today, offering a trade. Their motives were unknown, but their proposal intrigued us."

Accept Trade: "Intrigued by the survivor's offer, we decided to accept and see what they had to offer. It's a leap of faith, but their trade might benefit our survival efforts."

Decline Trade: "Despite the survivor's intriguing offer, we ultimately decided to decline. Trust is hard to come by in these uncertain times, and we couldn't afford to take risks."

Random Survivor's Request:

Journal Entry: "A weary survivor approached our shelter with a humble request for a trade. Their appearance was desperate, but we must consider the potential consequences of our decision."

Accept Trade: "Moved by the survivor's plight, we agreed to their trade request. It's a small gesture, but it might make a difference in their survival."

Decline Trade: "Despite the survivor's plea, we chose to decline their trade request. We couldn't afford to part with our resources, knowing that every item is crucial for our own survival."


Handling Riley's Invention:

Condition: The player and the companion disagree on whether to support Riley's latest invention, which could be risky or potentially beneficial.

Outcome (Player's Opinion): The player decides to support Riley's invention, potentially leading to innovative solutions or discoveries. However, the companion may express skepticism or concern about the potential risks involved, affecting their relationship with the player.(Establish connection with Riley, may end the game, can’t reach him, receive some goods from him)

Outcome (Companion's Opinion): The companion advises caution or skepticism regarding Riley's invention, highlighting potential risks or drawbacks. The player may choose to heed the companion's advice, avoiding potential dangers but potentially missing out on valuable opportunities for progress. The player may also experience a slight decrease in morale due to compromising their decision. (Don’t communicate with Riley anymore)

Outcome (No Opinion Chosen): The player decides not to choose either opinion and seeks a compromise or alternative solution regarding Riley's invention. This may lead to a balanced approach that addresses both the potential benefits and risks, fostering cooperation and understanding between the player and the companion. (Riley events may occur)

Responding to Captain's Threats:

Condition: The player and the companion disagree on how to respond to threats or intimidation from Captain Bartholomew Blackbeard.

Outcome (Player's Opinion): The player decides to confront or resist Captain Blackbeard's threats, potentially asserting their authority or challenging his dominance. However, the companion may express concern or fear about the potential consequences of defiance, affecting their relationship with the player. (Go together with the companion to fight the captain, may end the game by being captured, fight and be injured (both of you), escape with some resources)

Outcome (Companion's Opinion): The companion advises caution or compliance in response to Captain Blackbeard's threats, emphasizing the importance of avoiding conflict or confrontation. The player may choose to heed the companion's advice, prioritizing safety or preservation of resources but potentially sacrificing autonomy or dignity. The player may also experience a slight decrease in morale due to compromising their decision. (Avoid conflict and don’t fight)

Outcome (No Opinion Chosen): The player decides not to choose either opinion and seeks a compromise or alternative solution regarding Captain Blackbeard's threats. This may lead to a diplomatic approach that balances assertiveness with pragmatism, aiming to minimize conflict while maintaining a sense of dignity and self-respect. (Captain events may still occur)


Building Shelter Extension:

Condition: Need for additional space in shelter.

Journal Entry: "Our shelter feels cramped. Should we build an extension?"


Use the Multi-Tool.

Use the Tarpaulin.


If Multi-Tool is used: Extension built efficiently, providing more space. Multi-Tool durability reduced.

If Tarpaulin is used: Makeshift extension constructed, but less sturdy. Tarpaulin may tear, reducing effectiveness.

Repairing Water Purifier:

Condition: Malfunction of water purification system.

Journal Entry: "Water purifier is malfunctioning. Should we attempt repairs?"


Use the Engineering Toolkit (David).

Use the Portable Water Purifier.


If Engineering Toolkit is used: Purifier repaired successfully, ensuring access to clean water. Toolkit durability reduced.

If Portable Water Purifier is used: Attempted repairs, but purifier remains faulty. Purifier may break completely.

Securing Shelter Against Intruders:

Condition: Concerns about safety from potential threats.

Journal Entry: "We need to secure the shelter against intruders."


Use the Survival Knife.

Use the Handgun.


If Survival Knife is used: Shelter fortified with makeshift barriers. Knife durability reduced.

If Handgun is used: Added security measures with firearm presence. Handgun may misfire, reducing reliability.

Constructing Rainwater Collection System:

Condition: Desire to set up a permanent water collection system.

Journal Entry: "We should construct a rainwater collection system."


Use the Engineering Toolkit (David).

Use the Portable Water Purifier.


If Engineering Toolkit is used: System constructed efficiently, providing steady water supply. Toolkit durability reduced.

If Portable Water Purifier is used: Attempted construction, but system remains incomplete. Purifier may break during attempts.

Building Campfire for Cooking:

Condition: Need for cooking food and providing warmth.

Journal Entry: "We need a campfire for cooking and warmth."


Use the Fire Starter Kit.

Use the Survival Knife.


If Fire Starter Kit is used: Campfire lit easily, providing heat and cooking source. Kit consumed.

If Survival Knife is used: Campfire started with difficulty, using knife as flint. Knife durability reduced, fire may be less effective.

Constructing Fish Trap:

Condition: Need for additional food source from fishing.

Journal Entry: "We should construct a fish trap for additional food."


Use the Fishing Rod.

Use the Survival Knife.


If Fishing Rod is used: Fish trap set efficiently, providing additional food source. Rod durability reduced.

If Survival Knife is used: Makeshift trap constructed, but less effective. Knife durability reduced.

Building Windbreaker for Shelter:

Condition: Need to reinforce shelter against strong winds.

Journal Entry: "We need a windbreaker for shelter protection."


Use the Tarpaulin.

Use the Emergency Blanket.


If Tarpaulin is used: Windbreaker constructed, enhancing shelter stability. Tarpaulin may tear in the process.

If Emergency Blanket is used: Makeshift windbreaker, but less durable. Blanket may rip, reducing effectiveness.

Creating Distraction for Escape:

Condition: Need to distract potential pursuers for escape.

Journal Entry: "We need to create a distraction for our escape."


Use the Whistle.

Use the Deck of Cards.


If Whistle is used: Distraction created effectively, aiding escape. Whistle consumed.

If Deck of Cards is used: Attempted distraction, but less effective. Cards may be damaged in the process.

Repairing Flashlight for Nighttime Exploration:

Condition: Malfunction of primary light source.

Journal Entry: "Flashlight isn't working properly. Should we try to repair it?"


Use the Engineering Toolkit (David).

Use the Flashlight.


If Engineering Toolkit is used: Flashlight repaired successfully, aiding nighttime exploration. Toolkit durability reduced.

If Flashlight is used: Attempted repairs, but flashlight remains faulty. Flashlight may break completely.

Setting Up Bird Trap:

Condition: Desire to catch birds for additional food.

Journal Entry: "We should set up a bird trap for food."


Use the Survival Knife.

Use the Bug Spray.


If Survival Knife is used: Bird trap set efficiently, providing additional food source. Knife durability reduced.

If Bug Spray is used: Makeshift trap constructed, but less effective. Bug Spray consumed.

Repairing Tent for Additional Shelter:

Condition: Tent damaged by weather conditions.

Journal Entry: "Our tent is damaged. Should we try to repair it for additional shelter?"


Use the Tarpaulin.

Use the Survival Knife.


If Tarpaulin is used: Tent repaired, providing additional shelter space. Tarpaulin may tear during repairs.

If Survival Knife is used: Attempted repairs, but tent remains damaged. Knife durability reduced.

Building Solar Still for Water Purification:

Condition: Need for alternative water purification method.

Journal Entry: "We should build a solar still for water purification."


Use the Portable Water Purifier.

Use the Sunscreen.


If Portable Water Purifier is used: Solar still constructed, providing alternative water source. Purifier may break during construction.

If Sunscreen is used: Attempted construction, but solar still remains incomplete. Sunscreen consumed.

Creating Signaling Device for Rescue:

Condition: Desire to increase chances of rescue.

Journal Entry: "We need a signaling device for rescue."


Use the Signal Mirror.

Use the Whistle.


If Signal Mirror is used: Signaling device constructed, increasing chances of rescue. Mirror durability reduced.

If Whistle is used: Attempted device, but less effective. Whistle may break during construction.

Setting Up Rainwater Collection System:

Condition: Need for additional water supply.

Journal Entry: "We should set up a rainwater collection system."


Use the Portable Water Purifier.

Use the Tarpaulin.


If Portable Water Purifier is used: System set up successfully, providing additional water supply. Purifier may break during setup.

If Tarpaulin is used: Attempted setup, but system remains incomplete. Tarpaulin may tear during setup.

Repairing Radio Transmitter for Communication:

Condition: Malfunction of communication equipment.

Journal Entry: "Our radio transmitter isn't working properly. Should we try to repair it?"


Use the Engineering Toolkit (David).

Use the Emergency Radio Transmitter (Jack).


If Engineering Toolkit is used: Transmitter repaired successfully, enabling communication. Toolkit durability reduced.

If Emergency Radio Transmitter is used: Attempted repairs, but transmitter remains faulty. Transmitter may break completely.

Crafting Improvised Weapon for Defense:

Condition: Need for additional defense against threats.

Journal Entry: "We need an improvised weapon for defense."


Use the Survival Knife.

Use the Multi-Tool.


If Survival Knife is used: Weapon crafted successfully, enhancing defense. Knife durability reduced.

If Multi-Tool is used: Attempted crafting, but weapon remains ineffective. Multi-Tool may break during crafting.

Creating Fire Pit for Cooking and Warmth:

Condition: Need for centralized cooking and heating area.

Journal Entry: "We should create a fire pit for cooking and warmth."


Use the Fire Starter Kit.

Use the Multi-Tool.


If Fire Starter Kit is used: Fire pit constructed, providing central cooking and heating area. Kit consumed.

If Multi-Tool is used: Attempted construction, but fire pit remains incomplete. Multi-Tool durability reduced.

Repairing Fishing Rod for Food:

Condition: Malfunction of primary fishing equipment.

Journal Entry: "Our fishing rod isn't working properly. Should we try to repair it?"


Use the Engineering Toolkit (David).

Use the Fishing Rod.


If Engineering Toolkit is used: Fishing rod repaired successfully, enabling fishing. Toolkit durability reduced.

If Fishing Rod is used: Attempted repairs, but rod remains faulty. Rod may break completely.

Building Hammock for Rest:

Condition: Need for additional resting area.

Journal Entry: "We need a hammock for rest."


Use the Tarpaulin.

Use the Emergency Blanket.


If Tarpaulin is used: Hammock constructed, providing additional resting area. Tarpaulin may tear during construction.

If Emergency Blanket is used: Attempted construction, but hammock remains incomplete. Blanket may rip during construction.

Creating Smoke Signal for Signaling:

Condition: Desire to attract attention for rescue.

Journal Entry: "We should create a smoke signal for signaling."


Use the Fire Starter Kit.

Use the Sunscreen.


If Fire Starter Kit is used: Smoke signal created successfully, increasing chances of rescue. Kit consumed.

If Sunscreen is used: Attempted signal, but less effective. Sunscreen may be wasted.

Crafting Shelter Improvements:

Condition: Need for shelter upgrades.

Journal Entry: "Our shelter could use some improvements. Should we work on crafting upgrades?"


Use the Blueprints for Shelter (David).

Use the Tarpaulin.


If Blueprints for Shelter is used: Shelter upgraded successfully, improving durability and comfort. Blueprints consumed.

If Tarpaulin is used: Attempted improvements, but shelter remains unchanged. Tarpaulin may tear during construction.

Constructing Rainwater Catchment System:

Condition: Need for sustainable water source.

Journal Entry: "We should build a rainwater catchment system."


Use the Portable Water Purifier.

Use the Tarpaulin.


If Portable Water Purifier is used: System constructed, providing sustainable water source. Purifier may break during construction.

If Tarpaulin is used: Attempted construction, but system remains incomplete. Tarpaulin may tear during setup.

Building Windbreak for Shelter Protection:

Condition: Need to protect shelter from harsh weather.

Journal Entry: "We need to build a windbreak for shelter protection."


Use the Tarpaulin.

Use the Emergency Blanket.


If Tarpaulin is used: Windbreak constructed, improving shelter protection. Tarpaulin may tear during construction.

If Emergency Blanket is used: Attempted construction, but windbreak remains incomplete. Blanket may rip during construction.

Setting Up Fishing Net for Food:

Condition: Need for alternative food source.

Journal Entry: "We should set up a fishing net for food."


Use the Fishing Rod.

Use the Emergency Rations.


If Fishing Rod is used: Fishing net set up successfully, providing alternative food source. Rod durability reduced.

If Emergency Rations is used: Attempted setup, but fishing net remains incomplete. Rations consumed.

Creating Distraction Device for Defense:

Condition: Need for diversion during confrontations.

Journal Entry: "We need a distraction device for defense."


Use the Bug Spray.

Use the Whistle.


If Bug Spray is used: Distraction device crafted, providing diversion during confrontations. Bug Spray consumed.

If Whistle is used: Attempted device, but less effective. Whistle may be wasted.

Building Storage Rack for Supplies:

Condition: Need for organized storage of supplies.

Journal Entry: "We should build a storage rack for supplies."


Use the Multi-Tool.

Use the Blueprint for Shelter (David).


If Multi-Tool is used: Storage rack constructed, improving organization of supplies. Multi-Tool durability reduced.

If Blueprint for Shelter is used: Attempted construction, but rack remains incomplete. Blueprint consumed.

Constructing Snare Traps for Hunting:

Condition: Need for alternative food source.

Journal Entry: "We should construct snare traps for hunting."


Use the Survival Knife.

Use the Fishing Rod.


If Survival Knife is used: Snare traps constructed successfully, providing alternative food source. Knife durability reduced.

If Fishing Rod is used: Attempted construction, but traps remain ineffective. Rod may break during setup.

Building Rain Shelter for Outdoor Activities:

Condition: Need for protection during outdoor activities.

Journal Entry: "We need to build a rain shelter for outdoor activities."


Use the Tarpaulin.

Use the Emergency Blanket.


If Tarpaulin is used: Rain shelter constructed, providing protection during outdoor activities. Tarpaulin may tear during construction.

If Emergency Blanket is used: Attempted construction, but shelter remains incomplete. Blanket may rip during construction.

Creating Basic Weapon for Defense:

Condition: Need for additional defense against threats.

Journal Entry: "We need a basic weapon for defense."


Use the Survival Knife.

Use the Multi-Tool.


If Survival Knife is used: Basic weapon crafted successfully, enhancing defense. Knife durability reduced.

If Multi-Tool is used: Attempted crafting, but weapon remains ineffective. Multi-Tool may break during crafting.

Building Birdhouse for Wildlife Observation:

Condition: Desire to observe local wildlife.

Journal Entry: "We should build a birdhouse for wildlife observation."


Use the Sketchbook.

Use the Portable Telescope.


If Sketchbook is used: Birdhouse constructed, attracting local wildlife for observation. Sketchbook consumed.

If Portable Telescope is used: Attempted construction, but birdhouse remains incomplete. Telescope may be wasted.


Scavenging for Supplies:

Condition: This event has a 10% probability of occurring.

Journal Entry: "Today, we spotted a nearby area that looks promising for scavenging supplies. Should we send someone to explore?"

Outcome (Send Someone): The chosen survivor goes outside to scavenge. They may return with useful items like food, water, or tools. However, there's a chance they may not return, or they may return tired and hungry.

Outcome (Send No One): "We decided it's too risky to send anyone out today. We'll have to make do with what we have."

Exploring Nearby Ruins:

Condition: This event has a 10% probability of occurring.

Journal Entry: "We've come across some old ruins nearby. Should we send someone to explore and search for useful items?"

Outcome (Send Someone): The chosen survivor explores the ruins and may find valuable items like medical supplies, weapons, or equipment. However, there's a risk of encountering dangers like traps or hostile creatures.

Outcome (Send No One): "We've decided it's too dangerous to explore the ruins today. We'll stay inside and focus on our current supplies."

Gathering Wild Plants:

Condition: This event has a 10% probability of occurring.

Journal Entry: "There are wild plants growing nearby that could be useful for food or medicine. Should we send someone to gather them?"

Outcome (Send Someone): The chosen survivor gathers wild plants, which can provide food or medicinal ingredients. However, there's a risk of encountering poisonous plants or dangerous animals.

Outcome (Send No One): "We've decided not to risk it today. We'll stick to our current food and medical supplies."

Checking Nearby Shelters:

Condition: This event has a 10% probability of occurring.

Journal Entry: "There are reports of abandoned shelters nearby. Should we send someone to investigate and scavenge for supplies?"

Outcome (Send Someone): The chosen survivor explores the abandoned shelters and may find useful items like tools, shelter materials, or clothing. However, there's a chance of encountering hazards like traps or hostile survivors.

Outcome (Send No One): "We've decided it's too risky to explore the abandoned shelters today. We'll focus on what we have here."

Searching for Fresh Water:

Condition: This event has a 30% probability of occurring.

Journal Entry: "Our water supply is running low. Should we send someone to search for a nearby freshwater source?"

Outcome (Send Someone): The chosen survivor searches for freshwater and may find a reliable source for drinking water. However, there's a risk of dehydration or encountering contaminated water sources.

Outcome (Send No One): "We can't risk anyone getting lost or injured in search of water today. We'll ration what we have until we find a safer solution."

Hunting for Food:

Condition: This event has a 30% probability of occurring.

Journal Entry: "Our food supplies are dwindling. Should we send someone to hunt for food?"

Outcome (Send Someone): The chosen survivor goes hunting and may successfully catch animals for food. However, there's a risk of encountering dangerous wildlife or returning empty-handed.

Outcome (Send No One): "We'll conserve our energy and resources today. It's too risky to hunt for food right now."


Trap Placement Decision:

Condition: The player possesses a trap item.

Journal Entry: "A small game animal is spotted nearby. Should we set a trap to catch it?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The trap successfully catches the animal, providing food for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and food supply improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The trap malfunctions or scares away the animal, resulting in wasted resources. Shelter morale decreases slightly.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to set a trap, potentially missing out on food. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Storm Preparation Decision:

Condition: The player has access to shelter-building materials.

Journal Entry: "Dark clouds are gathering in the sky. Should we reinforce our shelter for an incoming storm?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The shelter is reinforced, protecting it from the storm's effects. Shelter morale increases, and shelter durability improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The shelter is not reinforced, leading to damage and discomfort during the storm. Shelter morale decreases, and shelter durability decreases.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to reinforce, risking damage during the storm. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Exploration Party Formation:

Condition: The player has more than one survivor available.

Journal Entry: "There's an unexplored area nearby. Should we form an exploration party to investigate?"

Good Outcome (Yes): An exploration party is formed, discovering valuable resources and information. Shelter morale increases, and new items may be obtained.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The exploration party encounters dangers or gets lost, resulting in injuries or lost resources. Shelter morale decreases, and potential injuries occur.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to explore, avoiding potential risks but missing out on potential rewards. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Medication Sharing Decision:

Condition: The player possesses medical supplies.

Journal Entry: "A survivor is injured and requires medication. Should we use our medical supplies to treat them?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The survivor is successfully treated, preventing further complications. Shelter morale increases, and the injured survivor's relationship improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The medication is used incorrectly or is ineffective, resulting in prolonged suffering for the injured survivor. Shelter morale decreases, and medical supplies are wasted.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to use medication, risking the injured survivor's health but preserving medical supplies. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Firewood Collection Decision:

Condition: The player has access to a firestarter kit.

Journal Entry: "The temperature is dropping. Should we gather firewood to keep warm?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Firewood is successfully gathered, ensuring warmth for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and comfort levels improve.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The firewood gathering attempt fails or is insufficient, leaving the shelter cold and uncomfortable. Shelter morale decreases, and comfort levels decrease.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to gather firewood, risking discomfort from the cold but conserving energy. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Water Purification Decision:

Condition: The player has access to a water purifier.

Journal Entry: "Our water supply is running low. Should we purify water from nearby sources?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Water is successfully purified, ensuring safe drinking water for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and hydration levels improve.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The water purification attempt fails or is contaminated, risking illness for the shelter. Shelter morale decreases, and hydration levels decrease.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to purify water, risking dehydration but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Scavenging Decision:

Condition: The player has a scavenging item.

Journal Entry: "An abandoned area is nearby. Should we send someone to scavenge for supplies?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The scavenger returns with useful items, improving resources for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and new items may be obtained.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The scavenger returns empty-handed or encounters dangers, resulting in wasted time or injuries. Shelter morale decreases, and potential injuries occur.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to scavenge, avoiding potential risks but missing out on potential rewards. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Fish Catching Decision:

Condition: The player has access to a fishing rod.

Journal Entry: "A nearby stream appears to be teeming with fish. Should we attempt to catch some?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Fish are successfully caught, providing food for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and food supply improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The fishing attempt fails or scares away the fish, resulting in wasted time. Shelter morale decreases slightly.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to fish, potentially missing out on food but conserving energy. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Security Check Decision:

Condition: The player has access to defensive items.

Journal Entry: "Unfamiliar tracks are spotted near the shelter. Should we conduct a security check?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The security check reveals no immediate threats, ensuring safety for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and security levels improve.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The security check reveals dangerous wildlife or intruders, leading to heightened alertness or potential conflicts. Shelter morale decreases, and defensive items may be consumed.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to conduct a security check, risking potential threats but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Crop Planting Decision:

Condition: The player has access to seeds.

Journal Entry: "The soil seems fertile. Should we plant crops for future food production?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Crops are successfully planted, ensuring future food sustainability for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and future food supply improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The crop planting attempt fails or is disrupted, resulting in wasted resources. Shelter morale decreases slightly.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to plant crops, risking future food shortages but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Berry Picking Decision:

Condition: The player is near a berry bush.

Journal Entry: "A bush with ripe berries is nearby. Should we pick some?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Berries are successfully picked, providing a nutritious snack for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and hunger levels decrease.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The berry picking attempt results in spoiled or poisonous berries, causing illness for the shelter. Shelter morale decreases, and health levels decrease.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to pick berries, potentially missing out on food but avoiding potential risks. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Tool Repair Decision:

Condition: The player has a broken tool.

Journal Entry: "One of our tools is broken. Should we attempt to repair it?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The tool is successfully repaired, restoring its functionality for use. Shelter morale increases, and productivity improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The repair attempt fails or damages the tool further, rendering it unusable. Shelter morale decreases, and resources are wasted.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to repair the tool, risking reduced productivity but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Herb Gathering Decision:

Condition: The player is near a patch of herbs.

Journal Entry: "A patch of useful herbs is nearby. Should we gather some for medicinal purposes?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Herbs are successfully gathered, providing medicinal ingredients for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and medical supplies improve.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The herb gathering attempt results in poisonous or ineffective herbs, wasting resources. Shelter morale decreases, and medical supplies are wasted.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to gather herbs, potentially missing out on medicinal ingredients but avoiding potential risks. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Weather Observation Decision:

Condition: The player notices changes in weather patterns.

Journal Entry: "The weather seems unpredictable. Should we observe it closely for potential hazards?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Close observation helps predict and prepare for upcoming weather changes, ensuring shelter safety. Shelter morale increases, and preparedness improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): Failure to observe leads to unexpected weather events catching the shelter off guard, causing discomfort or damage. Shelter morale decreases, and resources may be lost.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to observe the weather, risking potential hazards but conserving energy. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Constructing a Rainwater Collector Decision:

Condition: The player has access to materials for constructing a rainwater collector.

Journal Entry: "Rain is forecasted. Should we construct a rainwater collector to harvest water?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The rainwater collector is successfully constructed, providing a sustainable water source for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and hydration levels improve.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The construction attempt fails or is incomplete, wasting resources and effort. Shelter morale decreases, and hydration levels remain unchanged.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to construct a rainwater collector, risking water scarcity but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Sending a Search Party Decision:

Condition: The player has a missing survivor.

Journal Entry: "One of our survivors is missing. Should we send a search party to find them?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The search party successfully finds the missing survivor, ensuring their safety and improving morale. Shelter morale increases, and relationships improve.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The search party fails to locate the missing survivor, wasting time and resources. Shelter morale decreases, and morale of other survivors may decrease.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to send a search party, risking the missing survivor's safety but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Beachcombing Decision:

Condition: The player is near a beach or shoreline.

Journal Entry: "The tide has brought in various items to the shore. Should we go beachcombing for potential treasures?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Beachcombing yields valuable items or resources washed ashore, improving shelter resources. Shelter morale increases, and new items may be obtained.

Bad Outcome (Yes): Beachcombing results in finding only useless or damaged items, wasting time and effort. Shelter morale decreases slightly.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to go beachcombing, potentially missing out on valuable finds but conserving energy. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Guard Duty Decision:

Condition: The player has access to defensive items and a threat is perceived.

Journal Entry: "There are signs of potential danger nearby. Should we assign someone to guard duty?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Guard duty ensures shelter safety and early detection of threats, preventing potential dangers. Shelter morale increases, and security levels improve.

Bad Outcome (Yes): Failure to assign guard duty leads to vulnerability and unexpected attacks, causing damage or loss. Shelter morale decreases, and resources may be lost.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to assign guard duty, risking potential threats but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Constructing a Smoke Signal Decision:

Condition: The player has access to materials for constructing a smoke signal.

Journal Entry: "We need help. Should we construct a smoke signal to signal for assistance?"

Good Outcome (Yes): The smoke signal is successfully constructed, attracting attention and potential rescue. Shelter morale increases, and hope for rescue improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The construction attempt fails or goes unnoticed, resulting in wasted resources. Shelter morale decreases, and hope for rescue diminishes.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to construct a smoke signal, risking missed opportunities for rescue but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.

Berry Bush Cultivation Decision:

Condition: The player has access to berry seeds.

Journal Entry: "We've found berry seeds. Should we cultivate them to grow our own berry bushes?"

Good Outcome (Yes): Berry seeds are successfully cultivated, establishing a sustainable food source for the shelter. Shelter morale increases, and future food supply improves.

Bad Outcome (Yes): The cultivation attempt fails or yields inferior results, wasting resources. Shelter morale decreases slightly.

Outcome (No): The shelter decides not to cultivate berry seeds, risking future food shortages but conserving resources. Shelter morale remains unchanged.


a. Unity and Escape: The protagonist and the companion manage to put aside their differences and work together to construct a signal for rescue. They escape the island together, on a boat or on a rescue hellicopter
b. Innovation and Freedom: The trickster successfully repairs his prototype watercraft with the help of the protagonist and companions, showcasing his ingenuity and determination. They use the watercraft to escape the island.
c. Tyranny and Defeat: The villain succeeds in eliminating rivals and consolidating power on the island, establishing a tyrannical rule. The protagonist and companions are either captured or forced into submission, their hopes of escape crushed by the villain's iron grip.
d. Tragedy and Sacrifice: In a desperate attempt to escape, the protagonist sacrifices themselves to distract the villain, allowing the companion

POSSIBLE CHAINS Unity and Escape (Ending a):

Constructing a Rainwater Collector Decision: Gathering materials to build the rainwater collector.

Sending a Search Party Decision: Sending a search party to find additional resources.

Weather Observation Decision: Monitoring weather patterns to anticipate favorable conditions for escape.

Constructing a Smoke Signal Decision: Building a smoke signal to attract passing ships or aircraft for rescue.

Innovation and Freedom (Ending b):

Exploring Nearby Ruins: Discovering parts or blueprints for the trickster's prototype watercraft.

Repairing Radio Transmitter for Communication: Repairing a radio transmitter to communicate with potential rescuers or allies.

Constructing Rainwater Catchment System: Building a rainwater catchment system to sustain the group during repairs.

Repairing Water Purifier: Repairing the water purifier to ensure a steady supply of clean water for the repair efforts.

Tyranny and Defeat (Ending c):

Responding to Captain's Threats: Deciding to comply with Captain Blackbeard's demands to avoid conflict.

Guard Duty Decision: Accepting guard duty to protect the shelter from potential threats, including rival survivors.

Building Shelter Extension: Expanding the shelter to accommodate more survivors under the captain's rule.

Captured by Villain: Falling victim to the villain's forces as they eliminate rivals and establish control over the island.

Tragedy and Sacrifice (Ending d):

Exploring Nearby Ruins: Discovering a hidden cache of explosives or distraction devices.

Constructing Snare Traps for Hunting: Building snare traps to capture animals for food and materials.

Creating Distraction Device for Defense: Crafting a distraction device to lure the villain away from the companion.

Sacrifice for Escape: The protagonist sacrificing themselves as a distraction, allowing the companion to escape.